Friday, July 27, 2007

Week 6, Thing 13:

Online bookmarks are great. I rarely use browser-based bookmarks anymore, except to put them into my bookmark toolbar in Firefox for quick access. Although I keep most of my bookmarks in Google Bookmark (I'm a Google girl, after all), I put together a set of bookmarks on earlier this year when I was preparing a talk on web 2.0 tools and the future of library services for the library staff day, so that staff and I could refer to the resources I used. Being able to tag bookmarks on the fly is lovely--easier than putting them in folders, I think, and easier to share them and use them for particular projects. Nice also to be able to add notes to the bookmarks, though I read today that there's a 255-word limit on the bookmark notes, not so useful for deep research. It is pretty fun to see how many people have bookmarked the same stuff as you, though, and see the tags they put on it (very useful to have some bookmarks pre-tagged for you, kind of like what LibraryThing can do).


Revisiting my bookmarks, I was tickled to see that strangelibrarian has subscribed to my bookmarks! I know of this librarian from a Maryland library service (can't be too many librarians out there with the same handle) and am therefore flattered. :-)

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