Saturday, August 11, 2007

Week 9, Thing 20: YouTube

Video sharing is really, really easy with YouTube. You can embed videos in your website, comment on videos, use the social tools available to share videos with friends, and create custom RSS feeds for things you want to watch from a particular search or video uploader (I used to have a feed for videos tagged "dressage," but I had to give it up because there was no way I could watch all those videos!).

I really love this series of library videos, which show the bridging of the traditional divide between librarians and IT professionals:

The first Infotubey Awards were given at the 2007 Computers in Libraries conference. The winners made some amazing videos for library promotion--just think of the possibilities!

YouTube has really become a cultural phenomenon. Yeah, there's a lot of crappy stuff there, but there are also amazing gems like these library videos.

1 comment:

kdf_333 said...

Amy, i don't know if your videos start as soon as i open your blog but i am having trouble viewing your blog and i wasn't before.